
You know, you once told me you had this idea of us writers being people who type on their machines in the middle of the night, with a cup of coffee and a cigarrette by their sides. And, you know, you almost got it right, because I quit smoking and I'm drunk on beer instead of having a coffee.

And, you know, it's pretty fucking wierd how I want to call you instead of my ex right now. Like, I'm an anti-cliché. I don't want to drunk dial my ex, I want to drunk dial you.

We could share this last two beers.
(specially since I know how much you love beer)

But I guess I'm gonna wait till I can french-drunk-dial you.

Or maybe I'll just give it up.

New Year celebrations are all about the future, but what if I can't let go of the past?

What then?